When I was a kid, I spent far too much time watching TV. I loved all kinds of cartoons and I sure watched a lot of them! (Hello Smurfs! Jetsons! Flintstones! Woody Woodpecker! Tom and Jerry! Should I go on? And yes, I realize I am showing my age here) But one of my all time faves has got to be Looney Tunes. Recently, I was randomly thinking about good ol’ Bugs Bunny and his crazy antics and for whatever reason, I was remembering a specific episode with a hurdy gurdy monkey. If you are unfamiliar with what this is, imagine an old fashioned organ grinder who stands on a sidewalk and cranks out tunes while his pet monkey dances around and collects money from passersby. I actually went hunting online and was thrilled to find the actual Looney Tunes episode so here it is in case anyone is interested in watching it! It’s called HURDY GURDY HARE. Funny this is, I even remembered the music from this episode! It’s so strange, the things one recalls from childhood…What do you remember from your own days as a kiddo that you find totally random?
Anyways, the reason I am even bringing all this up is because I wanted to share the inspiration for my newest monkey pattern! I thought it would be really cute to make an amigurumi styled after the old time hurdy gurdy monkeys. My ambition was to make a monkey wearing a hat and a cute little suit, not unlike something you might see on a monkey at the circus. Well, as you can see, I managed a hat. One day, when I develop superior clothes-making crochet skills, I will definitely release amis with fancy outfits. 🙂 Until then, I’ll have to keep it sweet and simple!

Simi is the name of this little guy ..it’s a short for “Simian”. I think he looks really cute sitting on my son’s bookshelf, along with other stuffed animal friends. I hope you all like him! His pattern is now available in my usual shops! Please take a look at Craftsy or Etsy! Have a great day, everyone! Thanks for stopping by!