Exciting news!! Two of my patterns have made it into a new Amigurumi book that will be available for pre-order soon! The book will feature 12 original amigurumi animal patterns and I must say that I am humbled by the company I am keeping. The other designers who will be featured are awesomely (is that a word?) talented.. just wait until you see some of their creations! I don’t know all the details yet as to when the book is ready but I will keep you posted! Keep checking back! The patterns are being compiled by the brains behind amigurumipatterns.net. (that’s their monkey logo, by the way) The site is a shop of really cute and imaginative amigurumi patterns made by different designers around the world! It’s a must-have in your bookmarks if you are an amigurumi enthusiast! You can find all sorts of really unique and creative patterns there! Check it out! And follow them at http://www.facebook.com/AmigurumiPatterns.net! You won’t be sorry! It’s one my faves!