I’m about 85% done with my tiger pattern and I’m still working hard on it but I thought I’d take a little detour and present this little cutie to you! It’s something I made a little while ago but never wrote up so I’m proud to say that I finally took the time to finish it and here it is, my gift to you all – a FREE pattern! There’s nothing like a fresh Free pattern to start the year!
Who doesn’t love a cute little panda, right? I have to admit that I’ve googled “baby panda videos” before…now that I’ve given you the idea, you’re going to do it too, right? lol If you do, get ready for some major cuteness overload!
Wouldn’t this doll make a fantastic gift for your friends/family? Because of its relatively small size, it works up pretty quickly so you can make lots and lots of pandas. You can make an embarrassment of pandas!! Yes, I’m not joking, that is a technical term for a group of pandas! Consider making them in different colors and you can have a rainbow embarrassment of pandas! (Wow that sentence sounds so bizarre!)
My doll here is partially filled with polyester pellets because I like the extra weight and stability it gives. You can use regular fiber fill for the stuffing if you prefer.
Access this pattern by clicking on the Free Patterns tab at the top of this page. You can also click HERE to get there quicker!
Please enjoy and I look forward to seeing your creations with all your personal touches! #littlemuggles
just love your patterns but with the free “little muggles mini bear” which I have just made there are no instructions as to its assembly. I really dont know how to put this little one together. Can you please help me> Thank you – Meg
I just love your patterns but with the “little muggles mini bear” there are no instructions as to its assembly. Can you please help? Thank you – meg