A dear friend of mine gave me a present over the holidays which I have been enjoying tremendously ever since! I’ve posted about it on Facebook already, but it’s the video game “Yoshi’s Woolly World” for the Nintendo Wii U. All the characters and backgrounds are made entirely of yarn – this is seriously my kind of fantasy world! You should visit this official WEBSITE to take a look at the mind blowing creativity of this game! I’m not kidding – your eyes will widen and your jaw will drop from the stunning details and vibrant colors!
The same dear friend who gave me the game (and game system), recently gifted me with these adorable Amiibos! They are the cutest things ever and actually interact with the game system itself!
Looking at these little cuties, I was inspired to try my hand at knitting an amigurumi for the first time. I did a bit of research to see what kind of easy patterns I could find and I was immediately drawn to all of the cute creations by the very talented Amy Gaines!!
I found a simple little design which I figured I could manage! After all, one of my resolutions this year is to expand my yarn skills so what better time to try something new?

I do have a little bit of knitting experience in that I can do some basic stitches and I do own a few knitting needles…I dug them out and dove right into this FREE PATTERN. I was amazed at how quickly it all came back and I had a lot of fun! I just love the stockinette stitch, which is what this pattern calls for. The rows end up looking so nice and tidy and professional! My biggest challenge was sewing the seams. I definitely have a lot to learn there. A huge difference between this doll and my usual creations is that the knit amigurumi is SUPER SOFT! I love squeezing it – I wish my crochet dolls could come out this plush!
Overall this bunny was a fun little project. I find it much harder to knit amigurumi vs. crocheting them so I’m not planning to hang up my crochet hook anytime soon!! I may venture to make another knit amigurumi in the future but for now, I’ll continue with crochet!