The weather has been so beautiful lately…the grass is green, the flowers are in bloom, and I was inspired to make my first amigurumi bug. It was easy to decide which one, since I’ve always had a soft spot for ladybugs. They are one of the very, very few bugs out there that I will actually allow to crawl on my hand. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m a bit squeamish around crawly things. (Maybe it stems from some bad experiences with cockroaches when I was living in New York) But sweet lil ladybugs? They’re my friends. 🙂 Anyways, here is my latest pattern, available for purchase now!

Meet Dottie, a real little cutie! You might be saying hey waitaminute – where are her other 2 legs? Well, the beauty of making your own amigurumi is that you can pretty much make it however you want! I decided to stop at 4 arms/legs just because I think it looks cute like this. I actually did intend to make this ladybug with 6 legs…the extra arms are sitting on my desktop at this very moment, but it was just a matter of personal preference to stop when I did. Of course, if you decide to make your own little Dottie, you can choose how many arms/legs you want to include! Continue reading “Dottie the Ladybug”