Well, Spring is officially here and it’s about time that I made another entry! I know that there are folks in other parts of the world that are still enduring snow, but here in northern California, it’s been blue skies and warm weather for a little while now! The buds are blooming, the birds are singing, what’s not to love about this time of year? I’m ready for some mental Spring Cleaning and I am feeling inspired to create some fresh and new Little Muggles patterns for you all!
For my Facebook followers, you’ve already seen pictures of my Fishing Kitty project! The pattern has now been officially written up – meet Spencer, the little cat who just LOVES having fresh fish dinners! (who wouldn’t?) For this creation, I actually found inspiration when I traveled to Asia this past winter. In the beautiful city of Kenting, Taiwan, I saw some adorable wooden cat dolls in my hotel gift shop and thought that it would be so fun and cute to try and make one out of yarn! It took me a number of tries before I got the proportions to my satisfaction, but I’m happy with the end product!

Aren’t these wooden cats adorable? I think they sold for about US$50 or $60. There were a set of small ones too, and they were all in superhero costumes. I’m so sad that I didn’t take a picture to share because they were pretty darn cute too! I can always find the funniest and cutest little toys and gadgets in Asia!!

Here’s a page out of my sketchbook…I ran through a bunch of different ideas before settling on my final design. I still think it would be really cute to add a fishing hat of some kind, or maybe a fishing basket to put next to him. A fishing vest would be adorable as well, with lures or hooks attached to it!

The cute little fish is actually inspired by an existing pattern that has already been published by a very talented fellow designer. BUDDYRUMI has an adorable and FREE fish pattern on her website and I tweaked the design a little bit for my kitty. Her fish pattern includes cute little fins so you might want to check it out! Click www.buddyrumi.com to see her amazing work and check out her freebies page if you’re interested!

This pattern is now available in my usual ETSY and CRAFTSY shops, as will shortly be added onto AMIGURUMIPATTERNS.NET! Visit your fave site and pick up a pattern today!